Prayers Answered
After what felt like forever, but was in reality only two and a half months, I was offered a job! I feel so incredibly blessed by this opportunity. The position is in the setting I hoped to be in, and best of all, I get to stay in my desired area! I am so immensely grateful for this opportunity and see it as such an answer to prayer.
Recently, I looked through my old journals and found an entry from the first of this year. The entry listed what I was thankful for in 2017 and what I was hopeful for in 2018. As I was reading, I saw under the list of things I hoped for that I wanted to start my clinical fellowship at the end of August. Reading that surprised me greatly. I had completely forgotten that starting a job at the end of summer was something I had earnestly prayed for at the start of the year.
Patiently Waiting
As I went through the interview process, I prayed that God would definitively shut doors I was not meant to walk through. Boy did He shut them. Some of the places I interviewed at, I would have taken the job if it had been offered to me. In all those instances, I was consistently the runner-up applicant. Then there were three opportunities where I was offered the position, but I knew definitively those were not the places God wanted me to be, so I turned them down.
During this time I tried to remain courageous and faithful to God’s plan. I knew turning down three jobs sounded absolutely insane to many people, especially since I am a new grad. At times I second-guessed myself and wondered if I was making a mistake. However, God answered my prayer for strength of resolution and I persisted.
To be honest, I don’t know what specifically this season of waiting was for. I may never know the exact reason. But I do know I grew as a person and learned a few things along the way. I learned to rely on listening solely to God’s voice; to trust; to have faith that no detail of my life goes unnoticed by God. I also learned practical job searching skills such as interview questions to ask in various settings, how to network, etc.
I am so thankful for all the people who kept me in their prayers during this season of life. Most of all, I am so grateful to serve a God who directs His children and delights in every detail of their lives.
Blessings on your home and table, ~Natalie
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